The Old Geelong Collegians Association and the Victoria Golf Club hosted the 2023 APS Golf Day on 12 May. The excitement was palpable before the first ball was struck, with many OWs catching up for the first time since 2022.

Due to a number of unfortunate late withdrawals, we only had seven players, but our OWs fought valiantly and with great spirit against their APS opponents. With the best eight scores contributing towards each school’s final score, we were undermanned and ultimately unable to replicate the heights of our 2019 victory.
Congratulations to Alan Jager (OW1973) with best par score for the OWCA (-2).
We now look forward to the annual OWCA and Old Scotch Collegians Association (OSCA) Golf Day which will be held at Kew Golf Club on Friday 1 December. The rivalry continues after a three-year hiatus due to COVID. Unlike the APS Golf Day where numbers are limited, we can welcome as many players as we like, so get a group of four together and enjoy a day on the course catching up with old friends. The more players we have, the better our chances of getting the cup back!
We look forward to renewing the strong fellowship that has developed through this event.
For more information, contact Peter Johnson (OW1995) on 0419 119 786 or email