Sponsorship term

All sponsorship agreements are annual only for the period 1 January to 31 December of a calendar year.

The OWCA Executive Committee makes a determination every year as to whether a sponsorship agreement is renewed/rolled-over for the next calendar year.

It is at the discretion of the OWCA as to whether any or all sponsorships are renewed. No pro-rata sponsorship terms are accepted, unless agreed by the OWCA Committee Executive.

Payment terms

All sponsorship agreements must be executed by an OWCA Executive Representative and the sponsorship and fees must be pre-paid in full prior to the activation of the sponsorship.


Sponsorship entitles the sponsor to represent only the agreed brand or brands of the sponsor on any materials produced or distributed by the OWCA on behalf of the sponsor.


Each sponsor is allocated a primary category, and may only represent their category.

Each category is exclusive to that industry, and only one business may be represented in that category, unless approved by the OWCA Executive Committee.

OWCA client and membership data

OWCA client and membership data is the property of the OWCA and no access to OWCA client and membership data will be granted to any sponsor.

This extends to an OWCA sponsor making unsolicited or cold contact with an OWCA client through the sponsor’s own databasing activities. For example, where social media channels, such as LinkedIn are used to source Old Wesley Collegians, and making unsolicited contact with them claiming the sponsor is a sponsor.

Gold category sponsors who host an event may collect event attendee data (including business cards) but are required by law to include an opt-out/unsubscribe option in any marketing material they distribute.

The OWCA Executive Committee and their appointed Event Manager or Representative will ensure that an attendee list and/or membership information booklet is made available at OWCA events. All attendees of Business events are able to make reasonable attempts to connect with, and market to other attendees, as long as the member has the option to opt-out /unsubscribe.

Complimentary event tickets

A maximum of two (2) sponsor representatives may attend as a complimentary guest of the OWCA on behalf of the sponsor, unless attendance by more than two (2) sponsor representatives is approved by the OWCA Executive Committee.

Gold category sponsor

Complimentary event venue

Gold category sponsors may only host their complimentary sponsored event at a venue agreed to be appropriate by the OWCA Executive Committee.

Gold category sponsor­ costs

The entire cost of any complimentary sponsorship event is to be borne by the Gold category sponsor.