The Clunes program, established in 2000, is transformative, and many graduates cite their Clunes experience as a highlight of their time at Wesley.

For more than two decades, our partnership with the Clunes community and township has gone from strength to strength. ‘Clunes – The Next Chapter’ is our strategy for the future development of programs and infrastructure at Clunes.

An ambitious transformation of teaching and living facilities at our Clunes campus is underway and has been supported by a number of generous donors thus far. We now invite you to join us to complete this vital project.

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The Clunes Redevelopment Project

This $6m redevelopment brings 21st Century facilities in an historic setting to support the IB Middle Years Program curriculum during this seminal residential experience for our Year 9 students.

The new facilities will include learning studios for mathematics and language acquisition, a tiered demonstration kitchen and student accommodation.

Williams Boag Architects are the project architects and the development includes a significant upgrade to the existing Hannah Street precinct. The historic home at 10 Hannah Street is being transformed into a demonstration kitchen overlooking a village produce garden. This will connect, via outdoor learning spaces, to new learning studios and additional student accommodation.

The learning studios will be the first purpose-built non-residential learning spaces at Clunes, complementing the existing student houses and historic buildings on and around the campus.

Donate Now

Make your contribution to the next chapter of Clunes with a tax-deductible gift to assist our fundraising campaign.  Donate as little as $50 to be part of the next chapter of Clunes by clicking on the button below.

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Further information

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