We play various games throughout the year at MCC Swinburne and MCC Glen Street against other APS schools.

We have had varying success with our games. We played on Wednesday 14 February and our two rinks were able to come away with a win. Team 1 won with a score of 21 shots to 20 against Old Melbourne Grammarians while Team 2 won 14 shots to 12 against Old Scotch.
Our last game for this season was played at the Glen Waverley Bowls Club Inc on Sunday 24 March. Wesley performed extremely well, finishing third overall. Congratulations to the rink of Frank Benjamin, Peter (Bones) Rogan and Barrie Jackett for winning the best Wesley rink for the day and the best performing rink for the tournament with 30 shots up.
Overall, a great day for Wesley bowls. Next year is the 51-year anniversary of the event. It appears that Wesley won the event in 1974 and 1975. Wesley will also be the host next year, so hopefully we can bring home the prize.
OWCA needs 12 players per match which means that we have four rinks to compete against other APS schools. Like other schools, we are struggling to get 12 players on the day, so contact us if you’d like to play. It is a great social activity and getting out into the fresh air is always enjoyed by all who participate. The luncheons, when offered, are a good time to catch up on what has been happening in our lives and reminisce about Wesley days.
I would like to thank the Old Wesley Collegians Association for supplying new vests for the Bowls group. If you would like to join us for our future games, please contact me. We are always looking for new blood to boost up the ranks as we are all not getting any younger!
Richard Sluggett (OW1972)
Co-ordinator OWCA Bowls